Media Production and Analysis
The Media Production and Analysis ATAR and General courses aim to prepare all students for the digital and interconnected world developing their media literacy, filmmaking, and digital content skills. Through the process of investigation, students engage with topics, issues, and themes, which have global and local relevance. Students explore film movements, genres, and styles to develop their practical skills. The production of media work enables students to demonstrate their understanding of the key concepts of media languages, representation, audience, production, practical skills and processes, as well as express their creativity and originality. When producing media work, students learn in an environment that simulates industry experience. During the pre-production, production, and post-production phases of practical work students develop problem-solving skills. This includes, making creative choices, manipulating technology, working within a small team, effective time-management, and meeting externally set deadlines. Media ATAR and General courses provide opportunities for students to become critical thinkers and savvy consumers of digital content, whilst learning how to tell their own stories in their own unique style.