Year 4
In Year 4 the students have their first experience at spending a night away from their families in the school-based camp sleep-over. It begins their relationship with the outdoor education programme and staff, with future camps being hosted at Moray. Year 4 also marks the beginning of the inter-school sporting programme where the students compete against other local independent schools. They enquire into six units of inquiry including, ‘who we are’ which looks at the interactions of various body systems, ‘how we express ourselves’ through the telling of traditional stories, ‘how the world works’ in relation to the Earth and its place in the solar system, ‘sharing the planet’ specifically investigating the management of finite resources, ‘where we are in time and place’ which enquires into the relationship between exploration and developing new understandings, and ‘how we organise ourselves’ using scientific principles to find links between human society and the natural world.