Language Acquisition French
In Year 9, the Modern Languages Department has a coordinated approach to teaching the Approaches To Learning. One area is taught per term, extending students’ awareness of the nation’s cultural history, icons and obsessions. The three areas are: Research (based on historical figures); Presentation Skills (based on a Paris tourism pitch); and Team Leadership (based around the unusual sports of the French).
In parallel, the teaching of content and grammar is based around Tricolore Total 3 and topics include: Paris revised; Gourmet or Gourmand; Enfants du Millénaire; Les Aventures aux Pays Étrangers; La Musique Francophone; Mon Avenir, Ton Avenir; C’est la vie!
Native speakers are encouraged to study the National Center for Distance Education (CNED) distance learning programme in class time. Alternatively work from our background speaker partner school ‘123 Soleil’ can be done.
Assessments are weighted equally, and there are five to six assessments over the year with the earliest two repeating to test improvement over the three terms.
Oral 25%; Reading 25%; Listening 25%; Writing 25%
Topics and content are developed with reference to the Western Australian Curriculum: Languages.