Certificate II – Workplace Skills
Certificate II in Workplace Skills information video (previously named Certificate II in Business)
The VET industry-specific Business Services course provides students with the opportunity to achieve national vocational qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), and to gain School Curriculum and Standards Authority (Authority) developed course unit credit towards the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).
This course encourages students to engage with senior secondary education, fosters a positive transition from school to work, and provides a structure within which students can prepare for further education, training and employment. It reflects the role of individuals who work under direct supervision and perform a range of routine tasks using practical skills and fundamental operational knowledge within a defined context.
On completion of this course, your son will possess the skills to collect, process, maintain and store workplace information. He will also gain the knowledge required to participate in workplace occupational health and safety processes, and deliver aspects of customer service including creating a relationship with customers, identifying their needs, delivering services or products and processing customer feedback.
Course Requirements
There are twelve units of competency that must be completed to achieve this qualification, one of which is compulsory: Contribute to Health and Safety of Self and Others. The remaining eleven elective units of competency include Using Business Technology, Create and Use Spreadsheets, Identify Suitability for Micro Business, and Organise and Complete Daily Work Activities.
All nationally recognised courses use a competency-based approach to assessment. This involves students being assessed against standard criteria or benchmarks. A student is judged as either competent or not yet competent. The judgement is made on the basis of evidence, which can be in a variety of forms including tests, observations, quizzes, question and answer, or portfolio. All assessment requirements need to be met concurrently to demonstrate the achievement of an element of competency. All elements of competency must be achieved to demonstrate the achievement of a unit of competency.