Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is a priority for the students attending the College and all staff prioritise this. The monitoring of the children’s pastoral needs directly falls under the responsibility of the classroom teacher. Any concerns you may have for your child’s general welfare or progress should be directed to their classroom teacher in the first instance.
Our Junior School teachers are supported by the Deputy Head of Junior School, the Junior School Psychologist, Head of Academic Support, Enrichment Coordinator and ultimately the Head of Junior School in the pastoral needs of the students.
Built into each day are four sessions of pastoral care time. This time is designed to address pastoral matters that occur in the playground or classroom as well as to deliver our social and emotional and wellbeing curriculums. We aim to create an environment where children develop their ability to recognise and talk about their feelings, build their emotional intelligence, mature their resilience and coping skills, resolve conflicts, face and deal with challenging social and emotional situations and generally equip them with skills they can call upon throughout their lives.