ILT Support - SS Tech Centre


To request assistance from the Senior School ILT Tech Centre, you can easily send them an email by clicking the button above. Alternatively, you can call 08 9383 6866 or 866 internally.

ILT Support - JML Tech Centre


To request assistance from the Junior/Middle School ILT Tech Centre, you can easily send them an email by clicking the button above. Alternatively, you can call 08 9383 6877 or 877 internally.

Password Reset - Windows and Personal Devices

For any staff member that is offsite and does not have a Scotch issued device pleaseĀ use this password reset function

Moving to Mac

One of the biggest challenges for anyone making the transition from Windows to Mac or vice versa is getting accustomed with keyboard shortcuts. Swapping out the Control Key for the Apple Command Key will ease you into the basics. Check out the links below or contact the Tech Centre for assistance.