Health and Physical Education
In Year 9, the content provides for students to broaden their knowledge of the factors that shape their personal identity and the health and well-being of others. They further develop their ability to make informed decisions, taking into consideration the influence of external factors on their behaviour and their capacity to achieve a healthy lifestyle. They continue to develop knowledge, skills and understandings in relation to respectful relationships with a focus on relationship skills that promote positive interactions, and managing conflict.
Students focus on elements of speed and accuracy in different movement environments, whilst continuing to develop the efficiency of specialised movement skills. They explore ways to evaluate their own and others’ performances through analysis of skills and movement patterns using basic biomechanical concepts. They transfer previous knowledge of outcomes in movement situations to inform and refine skills, strategies and tactics to maximise success. Opportunities are provided for students to refine and consolidate skills and strategies for effective leadership and teamwork, and to consistently apply ethical behaviour across a range of movement contexts.
The Health and Physical Education curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and exhibit attitudes and values that promote a healthy lifestyle.
The following Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills will be explicitly taught and will be assessed on a four-point rating scale:
- Social Collaboration: Take responsibility for one’s own actions
- Self-Management Organisation Skills: Set goals that are challenging and realistic
- Social Collaboration: Practise empathy
- Social Collaboration: Give and Receive Meaningful Feedback